Back-to-School Meditation Techniques with Daring Spirits

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Daring Spirits – Guided Meditation and More

When Barbara Holbrook and Elizabeth Guilbeault of Daring Spirits reached out to me to be their Daring Spirit of the Week, I was flattered. When I looked into what Daring Spirits was all about, I was intrigued. When I read their slogan, “This is your life: Dare to go all in,” I was sold.

Daring Spirits is team of women dedicated to helping clients become fully present in their lives. Life today is busy, sometimes frantic. Too often we lose out on the full experience. The team at Daring Spirits takes a holistic, full-body/full-being approach to achieve focus and clarity. Through guided meditation, they help you engage your mind, nurture your body, integrate your spirit and bring mindfulness to work.

And grown-ups, these tools aren’t just for you. Our busy, stressed kids can benefit from guided meditation too. Check out these meditation techniques to help the back-to-school experience be a positive one: for parents and students alike.

I am pleased to introduce my second guest blog here at 3 Olives & a Twist – welcome the wisdom of Daring Spirits’, Barbara Holbrook and Elizabeth Guilbeault:

Barbara Holbrook, co-creator of AMP, on meditation techniques
Barbara Holbrook: Co-Creator and Energy Worker
Elizabeth Guilbeault co-creator of AMP, on meditation techniques
Elizabeth Guilbeault: Co-Creator and Energy Worker









Meditation Techniques to Help Your Kids Stay Relaxed and Focused

The kids are heading back into the halls of academia soon and we parents are checking off the back-to-school list:

  • pencils
  • folders
  • new sneakers
  • grounding cord
  • roses
  • gold sun

Wait, what’s a grounding cord? Do they carry that at the office supply store? Roses? What are those for? Gold sun? Will that even fit in their locker??

Rest easy, you and your kids already have these essentials. All you have to do is put them to work for you, and they’ll make school – and life – a little gentler for everyone.

Grounding cords, roses, and gold sun are all visualization tools for meditation to use anytime, anywhere to diffuse tension and ease stress.

Grounding Cords: Get Present

A grounding cord is simply a way to connect to the earth and help us be fully present. It’s great for those times when our energy feels scattered – getting everyone out the door in the morning or driving car pool are great times to use a grounding cord! Here’s how:

Visualize a line of color, a tree trunk, a string of twinkle lights, a tail – it can be anything, the more light-hearted; the better! Imagine the line extends from the base of your spine or your hips down through the ground to the center of the earth. If you don’t know exactly where the center of the earth is, or what it looks like, don’t fret! The intention is enough to make it work for you. Notice how it helps you feel more connected to the activity at hand, how your attention is more focused and you feel more rooted in the present moment.

Roses: Destress and Diffuse Tension

Roses can be employed to diffuse tension, and they’re a fabulous way to help us detach from things that we might not want to carry with us. Think about the stress kids bring home from school (or adults bring home from the office!) “Blowing roses” gives us a way to let go of that stuff and reset our spaces for ourselves. We use roses simply because everyone knows what they look like. You can also use bubbles; kids can easily see bubbles and imagine them bursting.

Visualize a rose (or a bubble) out in front of you. Now blow it up! Pop it, explode it, watch it turn into beautiful fireworks. Experiment with roses or bubbles of different sizes, with sending them far away (we love to shower the middle of the ocean or the moon with fireworks!), and with blowing them up behind you, next to you, above you. You can even put specific things into the rose or bubble – for example, the guy who cut you off in traffic, the test score, the frustration over homework. Notice how much lighter you feel, how your body feels calmer and you feel more at ease.

Gold Sun: Relax and Rejuvenate

Gold sun is a great one for teens and adults, in particular, and little kids love it as a bedtime ritual. It’s a way to fill your space with your own unique vibration, the energy that makes you, well, you. Using your gold sun, you can quickly and effortlessly connect with the deepest truth within you. It can help you make decisions that align with the highest and best version of who you are and who you are here to be. It’s also very healing to your body, so it’s a lovely way to relax and feel rejuvenated any time.

Visualize a gold sun 1-2 feet above you. Imagine that sun shining down on you, feel the warmth as it surrounds your body and even soaks in to your body. Let it be soothing and calming, let it energize you and help you see yourself clearly. Allow it to fill you with love and peace. See the gold surrounding you, buffering you from other peoples’ energy and giving you space to choose your best path easily.

Pop these tools in their imaginary backpacks and you are giving your kids, and yourself, life skills that will grow with them and make learning and life a little less stressful and a lot more fun!


Thank You

Thank you so much Barbara and Elizabeth for these back-to-school meditation techniques – Daring Spirits specializes in guided meditation, clairvoyant readings, coaching, energy readings and healing. Learn more about Daring Spirits at:

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