I’m ready to say goodbye to the summer months – I’m always ready. I’m one of the few New Englanders whose least favorite season is summer. I sometimes feel guilty that I dislike the very time of year that so many others worship and wait patiently for the other nine months of the year.
It’s not that I completely hate the summer months; I just much prefer other seasons over it. Fall, in particular, is my favorite. Spring takes a close second and winter and summer run a photo finish for positions three and four.
I thought I was alone until I read this fun, little post on Facebook.
Here’s my deal, I don’t like extreme temperatures, whether they are hot or cold. This summer was hotter than usual. My lawn was burnt, my dog was unwalked and I felt trapped and claustrophobic inside the comfort of any air conditioned space I could find.
I could blame the weather entirely, but I know my distaste for the summer months has much more to do with the disorder it introduces to my life than the hot and humid climate. My desire for organization and structure is what really puts summer so low on my list of seasons. And it’s not about having the kids around, in fact I love spending more time with my girls.
Rather, it’s not knowing what’s going to happen from one day to the next, one hour to the next, one minute to the next. Whether it’s on their social calendar or mine. It seems that even my best laid plans always result in some unexpected turn of events. The beach, a concert, a pool party, a weekend get-away, the movies, a Red Sox game and many more great things all seem to pop up on a summer’s whim, no matter the day of the week or time of day.
Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE doing all of these things, but boy do I get tired. I’m not twenty anymore and I sure feel it when I’m out dining and drinking on a Tuesday or Wednesday night. When I’m there, these are the best of times, but my recovery time is so much longer these days. As much as I try, it seems I can’t quite keep pace with the carefree nature that the summer months introduce.
And so, as cooler air breezes in, I breathe a sigh of relief and prepare to welcome the moderate temperatures of fall and the Monday through Friday, back-to-school routine that seems to suit this forty-something lifestyle so well.