Floral Inspiration from MFA’s Art in Bloom

Floral Inspiration in WhiteFloral inspiration at the Museum of Fine Arts

If you missed the Museum of Fine Arts Art in Bloom exhibit, allow me to share a few of the photos I took that are fueling my floral inspiration this season. Every Mother’s Day my goal is to pretty up my outdoor spaces with new hanging plants, garden pots and planters. I love going to the local nursery and selecting colorful blooms, greenery, plantware and accessories. If I’m being honest, I didn’t get very far this year, but I’m glad to have gained some floral inspiration from my recent visit to the Museum of Fine Arts nonetheless. Their dramatic floral displays may not be anything I could recreate myself, but many arrangements did give me creative ideas that might extend, in some small way, to the plantings I will eventually get to this spring.

Here were some of my favorites.



Floral inspiration at the Museum of Fine Arts


Floral inspiration at the Museum of Fine Arts


Dense and Dramatic


Color Coordinated

I loved how the floral displays played off the color, texture and imagery of the art.







I have a thing for sculpture and only after having taken this photo of the ballerina did I realize it reminds me of the garden sculptures I have of two dancing girls.


Floral Inspiration

I hope you enjoyed this floral inspiration pictorial.

Let’s hope all of those April showers bring us beautiful May flowers. And June, July, August…


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6 years ago

How did I miss this show? It’s hard to believe some of this flora is even real. Love your posts, Beth.

6 years ago

Hi Beth,

Thanks for sharing and thank you for reminding me to take a time to look for inspiration. I love the sculpture of the girls in the garden.

6 years ago

Art in Bloom has been one of my favorite MFA exhibits, it always amazes me the way they can capture the art work in flowers