I interrupt my regularly scheduled programming to wish this sweet baby the happiest of birthdays! I couldn’t resist the opportunity to tell my girl, now an adult, how very proud I am of the young lady she’s become.
Happy 18th Birthday Julia!
Today, she will don this apropos graphic tee as she begins this new and very exciting phase of life.
Personally, I feel 18 is one of the most momentous of birthdays. Yet, my visit to CVS, to find just the right 18th birthday card, left me empty handed. Sweet sixteen, 21 and 50 were all available, but not 18. Hey Hallmark! Let’s get some smart 18th birthday cards on the shelves. You’re missing out on a big milestone moment!
Forgive me, I digress.
Welcome to adulthood Julia. You may now vote, you may legally enjoy a cocktail with your cousins when we go to Aruba and you can be selected for jury duty (that might be interesting seeing your latest obsession with Criminal Minds.)
Here are a bunch of other things you can also do, but I hope you won’t do most of them!
What you can legally do when you are 18!
I am so happy to celebrate this big day with you. xoxo!
Happy Birthday, J! Enjoy your big day!