New on the Blog – A Few Twists at 3 Olives & a Twist


3 olives & a twist Pinterest board
Some of the things I love on Pinterest! Look at those Schnauzer slippers!!


Hi Everyone! I hope you’re having a great week.  I feel like I’m not quite back in the swing of things since my little trip to California. I’m getting there, slowly but surely. I think a touch of holiday anxiety might be holding me back. I’m admittedly freaked out that Thanksgiving is over and it’s officially December.

Holy cow! How did that happen? OK, deep breath, it’s all good – everything that needs to get done will get done. Sure, I’ll just keep telling myself that.

Our tree is up but not decorated, pumpkins are still on the porch, a Christmas card photo has yet to be taken and please don’t even ask me about presents – that will get done the week before Christmas, just like it always does. Try as I might, there really is no escaping the crazy that is Christmas season. Add to that, some changes at 3 Olives & a Twist and my head is spinning. I might as well have some fun with it, so I’ll just pour my favorite martini and spin away right into 2017.

Since March 2016, when 3 Olives & a Twist first launched, I’ve been having so much fun writing posts, taking pictures, meeting people and getting out into the world in a way I’ve never done before.  The more I work on the blog, the more engrossed in it I become. So recently I made some updates I’d like to share with you.

New On the Blog: More Conversation

3 Olives & a Twist is all about conversation and I love reading your comments. Up until now, my responses have only been viewable on the blog.  If you made a comment, you’d have to return to the blog to see my response. I’m guessing you’ re all probably too busy for that; so now you can opt in to receive email notifications when I reply to your comment or a new comment is posted. I’m so happy to have this option and hope that you’ll opt in so that, together, we can keep the conversation going.

new blog feature - comment notifications
Be sure to opt in for comment notifications so that I can talk back to you.


Also New… I’m on Pinterest!

3 Olives & a Twist is now on Pinterest. You can check out my boards and pin my blog posts to your own Pinterest boards. To do so, just look for the little [icon name=”pinterest” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] at the bottom of each post and share away! Today’s featured image is a sneak peak at some of the boards I’ve created in Pinterest so far, but I’ve got some work to do and could sure use some help. What types of boards do you like to see on Pinterest? What favorite boards have you created? Follow me there and I’ll follow you back to get some fun, new ideas for 3 Olives & a Twist on Pinterest.

Finally, New Ad Opportunities

I’m excited to report that I have begun partnering with owners of local businesses to spread the word about the great things they are doing, and the significant value they lend to our communities. I will not only be posting about businesses and products I genuinely believe in, but I will also be sharing space on my blog for small ads that directly link to these businesses’ sites. Give one a click and you can see for yourself all they have to offer.

Stay tuned next week for a post on a wonderful gift and home décor shop in Andover, MA – Helen Thomas Simply Smashing.

I hope you’ll enjoy these updates that are new to the blog, and I would love to hear from YOU. What would you like to see on the blog? Are there topics you’d be interested in reading about? Let me know!

See you back on Monday – Have a great weekend.

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7 years ago

Love the new additions to the blog. Looking forward to following you on Pinterest!

7 years ago
Reply to  kiki

Thanks K! Maybe you can give me a little Pinterest tutorial. You are the craftiest person I know.

Thanks for the comment. – let me know if my reply made it back to you.

7 years ago

Congrats on the blog updates, all sounds great. You’ll have to give me a quick tutorial on Pinterest. I’ve never taken the time to really understand how that site works! Don’t laugh! As for the holidays, what you get done, you get done but you better not skip the Xmas presents for the girls! Thanksgiving was late this year so we lost one week for Xmas prep. Good plan, sip the holiday cheer and enjoy!

7 years ago
Reply to  Jen

Thanks Jen! Give me a little more time on Pinterest! I’m pretty new to it and yes all else can go undone, but certainly not the kids’ gifts. I would never hear the end of it. Would love to hear if these replies make it back to you.

Thanks for reading!