Selfie Light Phone Case – Product Review

Selfie light phone case by Waterluu


I’m a product girl from way back.  In fact, I’m an advertiser’s dream.  If I see something advertised that looks cool, I obsess about it until I can run out and buy it for myself.  One thing I never imagined I would have in my arsenal of items is a selfie light phone case.

When Julia bought me one for Christmas she said, “I thought you might like this since you spend so much time on your phone now.” I thought, OK not sure how to take that, but I love stuff so thanks;  I’ll give it a whirl.

Julia knows that I am really not one for selfies, but I have tried to get in on the selfie game just a bit as I attempt to be more active on social media.

I most like the idea of selfies when I can take one with a friend or group. And in my lifetime of celebrity stalking, I imagine one day I’ll have the opportunity to take a selfie with a celeb. Therefore, I’d better brush up on my skills or risk missing my chance.

The problem is, I am so incredibly bad at taking selfies; I never do it. The awkward fiddling and fumbling of my phone as I try to figure out a decent angle is actually embarrassing. I have dropped my phone more than a few times attempting to snap a family selfie.  My girls just roll their eyes and laugh. Is there some kind of trick to this? I was recently shown the self-timer option on my phone camera which has come in handy. Those much needed extra seconds, to set up the shot, have proven to be quite helpful. Thank you Tallie Abernathy!

My Selfie Light Phone Case

So now I have this selfie light phone case and maybe, just maybe, I’ll put it to use.

I will admit that a few test shots with the light activated actually made a difference.  I took some shots with the selfie light phone case on and compared to shots taken with no light. Much to my surprise, I wasn’t horrified by my own image in the shot with the light on.

Judge for yourself.  The shot on the left – without light vs. the shot on the right – with light. Truthfully, I don’t like either, but if I had to choose I would pick the shot on the right. While the color is more yellow than I would like, I do think the selfie light added a more flattering glow to my appearance overall.


Waterluu selfie light phone case before and after


Listen, I’ll take all the help I can get!

I am sure a selfie light phone case is not for everyone, but it might make a nice gift for a teen, millennial or an old dog, like me, who is having a little fun exploring the new age world of social media.

My selfie light phone case is by Waterluu and comes in a pretty shade of rose gold.


Waterluu Selfie light phone case in rose gold


It has two levels of brightness and, if I must take a selfie, I’m glad I have this product in my back pocket. Check out Amazon for a wide selection of phone cases with light options.

Happy Monday and Go Patriots!


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8 years ago

I’m cracking up over here Beth, Emilie begged me to get a similar phone case the other day at the Apple Store, but not for selfies so that I could see better!