PC to Mac – I Finally Made The Move

MacBook Pro with numeric keyboard and Magic Mouse

Hello and Happy Tuesday!

Typically, I post on Mondays, but I needed one extra day to tell this story.

A few weeks ago I posted about my laptop upgrade gone wrong. It seemed simple really. I was swapping out my old Dell for a new one. Alas, the frustrating and unsuccessful process forced me to abandon the failed mission and rethink my plan all together. Following that post, I received flak from those who couldn’t believe I was even considering sticking with a PC.

“For God’s sake, just get a Mac,” I heard more than a few times.

I’m a big believer that things happen for a reason. Beyond these wise earthly beings, I somehow felt the computer Gods of a higher power were challenging make this life-changing move.

I struggled to make the final decision.  I was worried I wouldn’t like working in a Mac world. As my New Year’s Resolutions post suggested, I have a tendency to second guess myself.

Then I recalled this summer when the fire pit on our patio lost a few stones. We were told it would need to be rebuilt.  Initially I thought, what a pain. Then I realized, since we had to start from scratch, why not change a few things to improve our overall patio experience.  Our open fire pit turned into a fireplace and we are so much happier. It has turned out to be a much better fit for our space.

My computer situation was similarly fateful – I had to change things up. A phone call from my very first boss sealed the deal. Dick Miller, a wise business man and Apple aficionado, insisted that moving from PC to Mac would, unquestionably, be the best thing for me. I believed him, but still had doubts.

My MacBook Pro

Well Dick, you were right.  I’m happy to say that I’m typing away on my new MacBook Pro and loving it. I just picked it up from the Apple Store on Sunday night (thus the delay in my posting schedule) and I’m cruising along rather effortlessly. Dick, thank you for your support and encouragement.

In the time I dropped my old computer to the Apple Store for the file migration from my old laptop, I couldn’t help but feel a void. I had no computer for three days! It was weird and nice at the same time.

Now, with my new workstation up and running, I am shocked at how satisfied I am. Not only do I enjoy the newness of it all, but it is nice to feel current.  I am working on the same programs as my kids and my new laptop is sleek and efficient.

I had gotten so used to my cantankerous PC that I never realized how much time I wasted waiting for the thing to boot up, open programs and shut down. In retrospect, it was ridiculous.

Going from my outdated PC to Mac, things are now moving so quickly I need to be careful. Just this morning, I mistakenly deleted all of my emails pre-dating 2017. This was not my intent, but also not the end of the world.  If I’ve neglected to respond to an email, please forgive me and resend.

The Apple Store

My new machine is quick and cool, as are the Apple Store staff.  I honestly didn’t believe customer service could be so good.  These folks are available and attentive to your every need. I spent two hours in store on Sunday night and never once felt rushed. From my first visit to Apple Rockingham Park, I had great people like Jeremy, Olivia, Joe, Gail and Giuseppe holding my hand every step of the way. They were each instrumental in helping me make the transition from PC to Mac with ease and enthusiasm.

And now, I am welcome to attend countless workshops, make appointments at the Genius Bar and take full advantage of AppleCare. I feel like I have a full-service tech team at my fingertips – the support is comforting beyond words.

My move from PC to Mac was long overdue. For my needs, the Apple environment is ideal and with so many great apps, programs, tools and tricks, I am well on my way to learning many new and exciting things.

I’d be curious to know if anyone has ever had a bad Apple experience.

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8 years ago

Welcome to the club! Rockingham apple staff is great! We had a tedious unsuccessful experience at north shore mall so if you have a choice I would stick with Rockingham!

8 years ago

Never a bad experience! The support Apple provides still on my 2010 Mac is fabulous. I can’t believe when I call the support line they still talk to me!

8 years ago

I agree, the customer support at Rockingham is great.