Caramelized Onion & Herb Cheese Tart Recipe

onion tart recipe ingredients: onions, pie crust, herb cheese
3 simple ingredients


Looking for a last minute appetizer recipe for Thanksgiving? This onion tart recipe is so easy and calls for only three main ingredients.

Caramelized Onion Tart Recipe

I served these little bites, along with my super easy Apple Pie Crescents recipe, back at my Daring Spirits event. They’ve been a big hit every time I’ve made them and in recent weeks I’ve whipped them up three times for different occasions. They’ve gotten such rave reviews, I find myself bringing them over and over again just for the accolades. These caramelized onion tarts are tasty, filling and can serve a decent crowd. A double batch is as easy to make as a single, so bring on the onions. Although I’m not a crier when it comes to cutting onions, this might be an occasion to review some tear-free onion cutting tips. Not sure that all of these work, but may be worth a shot.


  • 4-6 large onions (yellow are fine), sliced – once these are caramelized they reduce quite significantly so you need more than you think.
  • Garlic & herb spreadable cheese – at room temperature, really helps when spreading.
  • 1 package pie crust – cut into rounds
  • 2-3 Tablespoons oil
  • 2-3 Tablespoon butter


Add the butter and oil to a warm pan. Not too hot that it will burn the onions. Medium to medium-high should do the trick. Add onions and cook down until caramelized. This is the longest part of the process, about 15-20 minutes. Stir frequently.

Onions being prepared for onion tart recipe
Stages of the perfect caramelized onions


Roll out your prepared pie crust and cut into rounds, I use a small juice glass. Place on a parchment lined cookie sheet and bake according to instruction until rounds are lightly golden brown. Tip: I’m generally for using store brand products when possible, but I must admit that having used both store brand and Pillsbury for this recipe, I would go back to Pillsbury for all of my future tart needs. The store brand was far more fragile when bringing all the ingredients together.

steps involved in making this onion tart recipe
A few easy steps


Once cooked, remove and let cool.

Be sure to check on your onions and give them a stir once in a while. You want them to be a rich caramel color to bring out the sweetness and deep flavor.


Once the pie crust rounds are adequately cooled, spread the garlic and herb cheese generously on each. Here’s where letting the cheese come to room temperature will make spreading much easier. Be careful with the rounds as they are delicate.

Top with 1-2 teaspoons of the caramelized onions and return to warm oven for another 10 minutes just to help the ingredients set and come together.

Serve and enjoy this easy onion tart recipe!

Caramelized Onion tarts
Plate and sprinkle with chopped parsley for a touch of color.


Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone and please note:

I am taking a break from posting next week for the holiday and will return with a new post Monday, November 28. Be well!


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The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah-Book Club


Book Club treats and The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah


I’m so happy to be part of a book club. I can say with 100 percent certainty that I would not have picked up a book this fall had it not been for book club.  I know there’s no pressure for anyone in my group to actually read the book – my book club crew is very low-key. And no one would be bothered if I showed up just for wine and snacks, but I’m a rule follower. I must do what is expected and what I set out to do.

So I read and thoroughly enjoyed The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah. If I’m being totally honest, I cram read this novel a week prior to our set meeting time. This was not entirely easy seeing it was a 440 page book of World War II historical fiction. But it was very well-written and held my interest from beginning to end.

The Synoposis (available at Goodreads)

Despite their differences, sisters Vianne and Isabelle have always been close. Younger, bolder Isabelle lives in Paris while Vianne is content with life in the French countryside with her husband Antoine and their daughter. But when the Second World War strikes, Antoine is sent off to fight and Vianne finds herself isolated so Isabelle is sent by their father to help her.

As the war progresses, the sisters’ relationship and strength are tested. With life changing in unbelievably horrific ways, Vianne and Isabelle will find themselves facing frightening situations and responding in ways they never thought possible as bravery and resistance take different forms in each of their actions.

The Review

Book club unanimously rated The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah a great read. We concurred that Hannah weaved a beautiful tale of family and romantic drama.  Set at a time when picture perfect Paris was overrun with Nazis and atrocities, Hannah managed to balance the ugly and difficult images of war with tender, personal moments of emotion, truth and reality.

If you are looking for a truly authentic depiction of WWII Germany and France, this interpretation may have some holes. If you are like me, however, someone who doesn’t typically read the historical fiction genre, The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah tells a compelling story. One that is told from a Parisian perspective and paints a picture about the struggle of life outside of concentration camps. The complexities of family, friendship and love were highlighted revealing how each was cherished and compromised in the face of danger and duress.

I particularly liked Hannah’s imagery throughout the book.  She was adequately and eloquently descriptive without being overdone. When it came to the violent images we’ve come to expect from a WWII novel, she gave just enough to make it real, but shielded the reader from too much excruciating detail which, personally, I would have had trouble reading.

If you’re a reader like me who leans to lighter content, The Nightingale is a nice step toward more substantive reading without being overladen with historical specifics.

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah now makes two for two good, club-worthy books – the first being Diane Chamberlain’s The Silent Sister.

Next up in January…

A Man Called Ove by Frederik Backman.

Read along and share your thoughts!

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Next Steps in My Writing Career

Beth and her schnauzer step into a sunset of new opportunity
Image from Merrimack Valley Magazine. Art by Ken Bonin.


One Crazy Week!

Between the time change (Oscar’s now up at 5am vs. 6am), no school for the kids on election Tuesday, the election aftermath on Wednesday and a few other personal shakeups of minor significance, I have completely lost track of the week.  So much so, I actually forgot to post yesterday because I thought it was Wednesday not Thursday.

Well, better late than never and today, Friday; Veteran’s Day (thank you for your service!) and no school again, TGIF never rang so true. 3 olives and a twist, here I come.

Mike's Magnificent Martini


The 2016 Election

While the presidential election certainly took center stage this week; it actually affected me less deeply than some other matters. Not to diminish the relevance of what went down, in fact it left me feeling rather unsettled, but I had steeled myself for either outcome. From the beginning, I was dispassionate and disheartened by both candidates – arguing or even discussing my vote was never an option. As much as I tried to stay off of social media on Wednesday, purely in an attempt at self-preservation, one slight glance revealed the train wreck that it was. And as train wrecks go, I found it hard to look away. I have no other words for it other than, wow – just wow!

Beyond Politics: Taking on Personal Change

All that said, in addition to the political shift, this week brought about a change in my writing career for which I also have mixed feelings. This week marked the end of my contributions to Merrimack Valley Magazine. The November/December issue dropped and in it was my farewell, Matters of Life & Beth column titled, “Time Flies.”

After eight years with the publication, I made the difficult choice to move on and seize new opportunities in my life and writing career. In addition to continuing work on this blog, I hope to take the next step with my book which is soon to be back in my hands after a second round of professional editing. I also hope to pursue new writing opportunities as I look to grow and reach more readers.

Not long ago, I blogged about being at a Crossroads. I didn’t say it then, but I was in the midst of deciding whether or not to take this next step. I was very torn and feeling out of my comfort zone, but something kept telling me that it was time. Well, after much consideration and guidance, I chose to walk away from a good thing in pursuit of what I hope to be something great, for me anyway. As someone who is not a risk taker, this was an extremely difficult decision.  One that I’m still not sure about today, but as I work on opportunities for the blog, I’m feeling excited about the possibilities for my writing career.

A Year of Change

It’s been a year of change and hard to believe we are closing in on 2017. While change is most definitely hard and sometimes scary, it can also be good and necessary.  I pray for myself and for this country that the changes we’ve experienced in 2016 will lead to great things in 2017 and beyond.

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Unique Jewelry and Accessories by Stella and Dot

Necklaces by Stella and Dot
Statement and simple necklaces. Silver, gold and rose gold.


I love bling! At one point when my girls were little, my motto was “Everything’s Better with Glitter.” I’m pretty sure I wrote that on a chalkboard in our entryway for all the world to see. Interestingly, I’m not much of a jewelry wearer.  I love admiring all types of unique jewelry on other people, in store windows and in catalogs, but more often than not; you’ll find me sporting my wedding rings, a pair of earrings and not much else.

Unique Jewelry by Stella and Dot

That is, until I discovered Stella and Dot. Several years ago, a friend invited me to a Stella and Dot trunk show at her house. I was happy to support her event not only because I had heard good things about the unique jewelry line, but also because I’m very comfortable getting my shop on; no matter where I am. I never worry whether or not I’ll find something I like. I just go, have fun and nine times out of ten, I walk away with something I love. OK, who’s kidding who? Ten times out of ten, but really who’s counting? Hopefully not Tony.

Needless to say, finding something at my first Stella and Dot party was a non-issue because there were many shiny, pretty things that caught my eye. Add to that a reasonable price point and I was pleasantly impressed. What I most liked about shopping Stella and Dot’s jewelry collection was the wide variety of choices. There were many delicate options I could see myself wearing on a day to day basis, as well as dramatic, statement pieces ideal for a night out. Seeing that I don’t accessorize with jewelry as often as I’d like, I found myself drawn to the daintier, more subdued selections.

Silver and gold loop necklace by Stella and Dot
The Infinity necklace – my favorite

This simple, gold and silver Eternity Necklace was the first Stella and Dot piece I purchased and I absolutely love it. For $59 I have well-worn my money’s worth for that purchase.

More Favorites

Here’s a look at a few more favorites from my personal Stella and Dot collection. While not all of these are still available, there are many similar items from which to choose. I should mention that the gold Bridge Bracelet (shown and still available) was purchased for my oldest daughter. I thought it was the perfect blend of simple sophistication and funky flair. For $44 it made a great gift. One that has found its way onto my wrist more times than it’s been on Julia’s. Sorry kiddo!  I just love that cool chain. And it can be detached if you’d rather wear the bracelet on its own, but I never do. Many of the Stella and Dot pieces are versatile and can be worn several ways. I love that flexibility.

My own unique jewelry and bag by Stella and Dot
My Stella and Dot Collection


Jewelry and Beyond

While I initially thought Stella and Dot was just about unique jewelry, I now know they also offer a great selection of sunglasses, stylish bags, scarves and more.

Stella and Dot Miramar and Parke sunglasses
Miramar sunglasses in blonde, $119 and Parker sunglasses in black tortoise, $129
Stella and Dot clutch and faux fur scarf
Reversible Crossover Scarf, $69 and All in Pouch, $36

New to Stella and Dot

Also new to Stella and Dot, as of September 2016, is their Covet line featuring real diamonds, 14k gold and fine leather accessories.

Unique jewelry from Stella and Dot's Covet line.
Selections from Stella and Dot’s newest Covet line.


Where and How to Buy

There are so many great looks at Stella and Dot, I could go on and on about the quality pieces I have and the ones I plan to buy. And while I’ve made my purchases at trunk shows hosted by friends, that’s not the only way to buy. You can also shop online through a Stella and Dot stylist. Michelle Simoes is my personal stylist,, and is happy to answer any questions you may have or talk to you about hosting a trunk show or becoming a stylist yourself.

Whether you already know Stella and Dot or are new to brand, be sure to check out what’s new in bling, baubles, bracelets and more this holiday season.

Michelle Simoes, Personal Stylist,, 617-470-4226,

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Crescent Roll Recipes – I Like Them Apples

Crescent roll recipes - Apple pie crescent with strawberries
A great bite-crescent roll recipes


I’m not much of a baker and as much as I love apple pie, I’ve never actually made one. Recently however, I came across an apple pie recipe, or I should say variation, that even I could handle.

Apple Pie Crescents

I’m not sure what prompted me to try these little bundles of yumminess – I must have seen a crescent roll recipes video on Facebook or a television commercial – I can’t remember which. Either way, it looked so darned easy; I decided to give it a go. With a total of five ingredients these tasty bites were calling my name.  The original recipe is from Pillsbury and is one of many clever crescent roll recipes they have available on their website. Who knew you could do so much with crescent rolls? Not me – not surprising!

My version came pretty close to the original, but I don’t think I’ve ever made a recipe without having to make at least one substitution. I’m always missing something or have an alternative that I prefer to use. In this case, I already had red delicious apples so I used those, and I also had pumpkin pie spice in my rack so I used that instead of the called for, apple pie spice. Waste not want not, right?


  • apple (I use whatever I have), peeled, cored and cut into 8 wedges
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1, 8 oz. tube crescent rolls
  • 1/3 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1 tsp pie spice (I used pumpkin)


  • Heat oven to 375 degrees and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Can I just say that I don’t know what I’d do without parchment paper. I use it for everything from pounding chicken breasts into the perfect cutlet to lining my cookie sheet for absolutely anything I put on them.  It just makes for a no stick, no mess, no fuss cooking scenario that always makes me glad I took the extra step to lay it down.
  • Stir your apple slices with 1 tablespoon of melted butter, set aside.
  • Mix brown sugar and pie spice.
  • Lay out your 8 individual triangles of crescent dough onto your parchment lined cookie sheet.
  • Sprinkle each crescent with the brown sugar mixture. (don’t be overly generous here, otherwise you’ll end up with a oozy mess. A good, heaping tablespoon should do).
  • Place one apple on the widest end of the crescent triangle and gently roll til secure.
  • With the remaining two tablespoons of melted butter, brush each bundle.
  • Bake 10-12 minutes or until crescents are golden brown
  • Let cool. Do not cover until cooled as the trapped steam will render the delicious, crescent crust soggy (yes, I made that mistake.)
  • Done! So easy and so good.
apple pie crescent roll ingredients
Ingredients and the process.


The Review

I’ll be honest, when I first made these, I didn’t think the apple would be cooked through. I was wrong, they were perfect and it was a delicious bite.  I ended up making three batches for my Daring Spirits event last week and they received great reviews.

I have finally found a dessert recipe that I don’t mind making and with the holidays right around the corner, this is sure to be a go-to contribution for Thanksgiving and Christmas alike.

Enjoy! As far as crescent roll recipes go, this one is a keeper for sure. And try it with pumpkin pie filling too. My mom told me hers were a huge hit.


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