Back to School – High School Sisters

back to school sisters
I bought this to hang in my girls’ bathroom years ago. I found it in the basement, but the message stands!

Back to School

Today is the first day back to school for my high school junior and high school freshman. I’m thrilled to have both girls together again at the same school. I even convinced them to start off the school year in the same activity. Cross Country wasn’t their first choice, but so far they seem to like it. For me, this is just the beginning.

I have dreams of my two girls living out their twenties as roommates and, of course, best friends. Every time I mention it, in my fortune teller, I can predict the future, fashion, they roll their eyes and snicker to one another. I know what they’re thinking, our mother is crazy! It’s OK, I’m not offended.

I figure if I present the notion like, this is going to happen so don’t bother to fight it then maybe it actually will.

My Sister and Me

Then I think back to my own sister and our high school relationship. There was some hair pulling in the halls of our high school alma mater, good old Notre Dame Academy in Tyngsboro. The nuns must have thought we were nuts. There was also some lightweight weapon wielding after school when we were left to our own devices to figure out who’d do the dusting and who’d do the vacuuming. How this divvying of tasks always ended up in some kind of physical assault on one another is beyond me. If I recall correctly, our weapons of choice were sharp fingernails and a marble rolling pin. Thankfully the rolling pin was merely a scare tactic that never made actual contact. The nails, on the other hand, definitely left their mark.

Yet, today my sister is my best friend and I rely on her support and hilarious sense of humor to get me through the typical trials and tribulations of rearing teenage girls.

I just want the same level of closeness between my girls. Is that too much to ask? I figure if they can begin building their bond sooner than later then all the better.

Keep the Dream Alive

However, if their constant bickering is any indication, I may have to wait a little bit for the closeness to kick in. In the meanwhile, I’ll keep dreaming of their shared city apartment and how cool it will be for me to visit them together in one spot.

Go ahead, call me crazy, but at least I’ve given up the hope of them going to the same college.

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5 months ago

Hi Beth,

I just happened upon this sweet account of your relationship with your sister and your hope that your daughters will have the same. I found your page because I was looking for information on a piece of artwork I recently purchased–it’s the same needlepoint you have pictured above. Do you recall where you bought yours from? Do you know if this is a mass-produced needlepoint? I’m in Milwaukee, WI and that is where I purchased mine a few days ago. Accept for the frame, I thought it might be vintage. Now I’m less sure.

Thanks so much!

5 months ago
Reply to  Sheila

Whoops–I meant “except” for the frame, not “accept.”